V reviji Digital Journalism je izšel prispevek “Engineering Technologies for Journalism in the Digital Age”, pri katerem je sodeloval predstojnik Katedre za novinarstvo, Igor Vobič.
Članek je dostopen prek: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/21670811.2017.1338526?journalCode=rdij20
Povzetek prispevka:
Although technological innovations in journalism have recently received growing scholarly attention, studies have hardly questioned or explored the naturalised dominance of technology over newswork. By drawing on critical scholarship, the study aims to explore how articulations between technology and journalism are negotiated by actors engineering technological innovations for and implementing them as part of newswork. Adopting the qualitative methods of interviews and document analysis, the study explores the XLike project (Seventh Framework Programme) co-ordinated by the Jožef Stefan Institute, a Slovenian public research institution for natural sciences and, among others, partnered with the New York Times, Bloomberg Media and the Slovenian Press Agency. One of its main results is a technology that is able to extract formal knowledge from texts in different languages scattered online in a structured way. While the study indicates journalists and editors are seen as conservative and hesitant to adopt what is understood as progressive technology, the project chiefly focuses on journalism as a business by pursuing a better understanding of audience behaviour, tracking online traffic and customised advertising. Additionally, newsrooms played at best a marginal role in defining the project’s goals and implementing the technology, and that these were driven foremost by business concerns.