V znanstveni reviji Journalism je izšel članek članov katedre za novinarstvo Marka Milosavljevića in Melite Poler, ki sta ga naslovila “Balkanization and pauperization: Analysis of media capture of public service broadcasters in the Western Balkans”.
Povzetek prispevka:
“This article provides an in-depth analysis of public service broadcasters in seven countries of the Western Balkans from the perspective of capture by political and market forces. A lack of editorial independence, reflected in politically biased, pro-government news content, is the main problem of public service broadcasting in the region. Another factor is the commercialization of programs, reflected in the neglect of public interest content in favor of entertainment formats, and the introduction of sponsored content and product placement. Financial difficulties, small fragmented markets, minor languages, weak economies, market pressures from commercial broadcasters, inefficient license fee collection, pressure and interference from political elites, as well as characteristics of local political and journalistic culture are among the reasons that public service broadcasters in these post-communist countries currently display similar characteristics.”
Članek je dostopen prek: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1464884917724629