V preteklih dneh je Katedra za novinarstvo prejela več pisem podpore prof. dr. Marku Milosavljeviću ob političnih napadih, ki jih je doživel od nastopa na seji posebne skupine Evropskega parlamenta za spremljanje spoštovanja demokracije, načel pravne države in državljanskih svoboščin. Pisma podpore objavljamo v nadaljevanju.
Katedra za novinarstvo se je na napade odzvala s pismom Brez akademske svobode ni kritike, odsotnost kritike vodi v enoumje, na dogodke pa se je odzval tudi Senat Fakultete za družbene vede z izjavo naslovljeno Če pade svoboda mišljenja, padejo vsi dosežki civilizacije.
Vsem, ki so se odzvali na napade z namenom z zaščite avtonomije akademske sfere, se iskreno zahvaljujemo za podporo!
Declaration of Solidarity with Marko Milosavljevic
We, the Euromedia Media Research Group, representing media researchers from 20 European countries, reject the character-killing campaign launched by members of the Slovene Government against our colleague Marko Milosavljevic, Professor of Journalism and Media Policy at the University of Ljubljana.
We maintain that character-killing campaigns putting pressure on universities to dismiss respected social scientists are a direct interference with academic freedom and a violation of international standards, including Resolution 2352 (2020) by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council Europe which states that “academic freedom and institutional autonomy of higher education institutions are not only crucial for the quality of education and research; they are essential components of democratic society.” We express our hope that the management of the University of Ljubljana will resist such pressures.
We remain dedicated to our conviction that it is both the right and the duty of academics to assess government policies and to voice their concerns. We are convinced that governments should not use media to attack and to silence critics, but consider and appropriately address criticisms, according to democratic practice.
It is our conviction that character-killing campaigns, designed to ruin within days the reputation that people, and particularly scholars, have built in decades, should be ruled out all together. Academic freedom is to be fully respected. No one’s reputation should fall victim to political struggles.
Signed, on behalf of the Euromedia Research Group, by:
Peter Bajomi-Lazar (Hungary)
Auksé Balčytienė (Lithuania)
Leen d’Haenens (Belgium)
Anker Brink Lund (Denmark)
Tristan Mattelart (France)
Tarlach McGonagle (The Netherlands)
Maria Michalis (UK)
Hallvard Moe (Norway)
Hannu Nieminen (Finland)
Jonas Ohlsson (Sweden)
Stylianos Papathanassopoulos (Greece)
Karin Raeymaeckers (Belgium)
Helena Sousa (Portugal)
Jeanette Steemers (UK)
Barbara Thomass (Germany)
Josef Trappel (Austria)
Elena Vartanova (Russia)
Letter of support to professor Marko Milosavljević
Sarajevo, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Tuzla, Podgorica, Skopje
March 18th 2021.
We, professors of journalism and communication researchers, coming from Universities and Research Institutes in Sarajevo and Tuzla (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Belgrade and Novi Sad (Serbia), Zagreb and Dubrovnik (Croatia), Podgorica (Montenegro) and Skopje (Northern Macedonia), by this letter express our full support to our colleague professor Marko Milosavljević from the University of Ljubljana.
We consider campaigning and pressures against professor Marko Milosavljević unacceptable, since they are a direct threat to his right to free expression of opinion. Colleague Milosavljević has always been a distinguished and valuable member of a community of communication scientists in the South Eastern Europe, and the public shaming that he has been exposed by some members of Slovene Government and some media is a direct threat to his academic freedom. No government should use media and social networks to silence the voices of academics who have an absolute right to express their criticism, in accordance with the democratic values of our societies.
As an academics, we demand full academic freedom for all our colleagues and we fully support professor Marko Milosavljević in his work, and in his resistance to all attacks on his personal and professional reputation.
Dr.sc. Miroljub Radojković, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Dr,sc, Rade Veljanovski, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Dr.sc. Snježana Milivojević, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Dr.sc. Dubravka Valić Nedeljković, University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
Dr.sc. Gordana Vilović, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Dr.sc. Marina Mučalo, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Dr.sc. Viktorija Car, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Dr.sc. Jelena Jurišić, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Dr.sc. Mato Brautović, University of Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Dr.sc. Lejla Turčilo, University of Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Dr.sc. Belma Buljubašić, University of Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Dr.sc. Mirza Mahmutović, University of Tuzla (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Dr.sc. Zarfa Hrnjić Kuduzović, University of Tuzla (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Dr.sc. Jelenka Voćkić Avdagić, University of Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Dr.sc. Aleksandra Krstić, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Dr.sc. Ana Milojević, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Dr.sc. Marijana Matović, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Dr.sc. Jelena Kleut, University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
Dr.sc. Dinko Gruhonjić, University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
Dr.sc. Smiljana Milinkov, University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
Dr.sc. Brankica Drašković, University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
Dr.sc. Nataša Ružić, University of Podgorica (Montenegro)
Dr.sc. Žaneta Trajkoska, Institute of Communication Studies, Skopje (Northern Macedonia)
Študentke in študentje 3. letnika študijskega programa Novinarstvo na Fakulteti za družbene vede podpiramo profesorja Marka Milosavljevića in ostro obsojamo vse poskuse diskreditacije. Dr. Milosavljević s svojim znanjem in bogatimi izkušnjami predstavlja ključen del izobraževalnega procesa mladih novinark in novinarjev. Njegovo delo, tako v predavalnici kot tudi izven nje, izredno cenimo.
Medijska svoboda je ključna za obstoj demokracije, boj za svobodo pa zagotavlja možnosti izboljšanja. Za vso predano znanje in izkušnje smo mu hvaležni ter ga podpiramo, saj s svojim delom na področju medijev ter medijskih študij pomembno prispeva k ustvarjanju svobodne medijske krajine, v katero vstopamo.
Študentke in študenti 3. letnika programa Novinarstvo