Kritičen, informativen, zanimiv in ne preveč zatežen pogovor dveh informiranih posameznic in njunih sogovornikov.
Prevpraševalki sva Eva Peserl in Ajda Kus.
V tej epizodi skupaj z najinimi gosti
– Ilinko Todorovski, varuhinjo pravic gledalcev in poslušalcev RTV Slovenija,
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– Boštjanom Reberšakom, urednikom športnega uredništva Vala 202,
– Rudijem Siegerjem, radijskim voditeljem in uradnim povezovalcem oziroma animatorjem na tekmah NK Olimpija in ACH Volley
prevprašujeva “fenomen” spremljanja športnih prireditev (v vlogi gledalca) oziroma skušava odgovoriti na vprašanje Zakaj ljudje tako radi spremljamo športna tekmovanja?
Darko, N. in Mackintosh, C. (2016). “Don’t you feel bad watching the Olympics, watching us?” A qualitative analysis of London 2012 Olympics influence on family sports participation and physical activity. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 8(1), 45–60.
Edgar, A. (2016). Three ways of watching a sports video. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 10(4), 403–415.
Esmonde, K., Cooky, C. in Andrews, D. L. (2018). “That’s Not the Only Reason I’m Watching the Game”: Women’s (Hetero)Sexual Desire and Sports Fandom. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 42(6), 498–518.
Mumford, S. (2013). Watching Sport. Taylor & Francis Group.
Taylor, N. T. (2016). Now you’re playing with audience power: the work of watching games. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 33(4), 293–307.
Wilbert-Lampen, U., Nickel, T., Leistner, D., Güthlin, D., Matis, T., Völker, C., Sper, S., Küchenhoff, H., Kääb, S. In Steinbeck, G. (2010). Modified Serum Profiles of Inflammatory and Vasoconstrictive Factors in Patients With Emotional Stress-Induced Acute Coronary Syndrome During World Cup Soccer 2006. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 55(7), 637-642.